Courier delivery of a bouquet of 51 roses Cozesti
Are you going to a birthday, name day, wedding, and the solemn bouquet of roses has not yet been selected? In this case, you will come to the rescue flower shop CadouriOnline, which is happy to recommend the most unmatched version of a bouquet of flowers - a bouquet of 51 roses. This surprise will tell about your friendship.
An excellent bouquet of fresh roses will be a bright present. Regardless of who give this bouquet to - a great mood is provided! 51 roses are required to give with a pure heart and with good intentions. If you selected an attractive bouquet of roses to express sentiments to a loved one, the CadouriOnline online flower service is at your disposal at any time.
Buy 51 roses with courier delivery Cozesti at any time of the day inexpensively - this makes us stand out among the competitors. Our reasonable prices exist so that anyone can buy a wonderful gift for a loved one.
Frequently Asked Questions
🚚 The most expensive flowers in the world
- 🚚 Middlemist - not for sale, as there are only 2 copies
- 🚚 Hydrangea - average price around 6 $ for one flower
- 🚚 Gloriosa - the cost for oane flower is 10 dollars
- 🚚 Rainbow roses - the cost for one flower is about 10 $
- 🚚 Tulip ?Queen of Night? - the cost of one flower reaches 20 dollars
- 🚚 Rose Pierre de Ronsard - one rose equals 20 $
- 🚚 Rose Sweet Juliet - the price of one flower is 30 dollars
- 🚚 Medinilla - the price for one flower can be from 50 to 150 dollars
- 🚚 Orchid ?The Gold of Kinabalu? - the cost of one flower reaches 5000 dollars
- 🚚 Shenzhen Nongke - and this is the leader, such flower blooms once in 6 years, its price is 202 000 $
🌷 🎁 Our selection of flowers and gifts
♛ What 5 bouquets of flowers are the most popular?
- 🌸 Lilies ? 5th place in the rating ? Gorgeous and graceful lilies look really royally, so no surprise, that they are characterized by solid popularity when composing bouquets
- 🌾 Narcissus ? 4th place in rating ? Narcissus are the sign of the awakening of nature and constantly enjoy large popularity when inventing bouquets of flowers
- 🌷 Tulip ? 3th place in rating ? Classically, are among the most popular flowers worldwide. And it is not surprising, they are beautiful and elegant, and a huge number of their varieties and a wealth of shades allows to choose the option that is ideal for each case
- 🌻 Gerbera ? 2nd place in rating ? This noble and vibrant flower is great for bouquets for both women and men.
- 🌹 Rose ? 1st place in rating ? The decision to give ROSE flowers will surely be a win-win option, even if you dont know exactly the recipients preference.
🌼 Zodiac signs and flowers
- 🌼 Aries - These flowers will bring LUCK: honeysuckle, cactus, red roses, poppy, tulip, red pepper, amaryllis, all red flowers
- 🌼 Taurus - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: rose, poppy, foxgloves, lavender, lilac, aster, lily of the valley, sweet peas, flowers of all fruit trees
- 🌼 Gemini - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: lavender, cherry flowers, buttercup, coriander, acacia, mimosa, narcissus, lily, cactus
- 🌼 Cancer - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: roses, chamomile, cornflower, fern, passionflower, hydrangea, iris
- 🌼 Leo - List of flowers that suit this zodiac sign: marigolds, sunflowers, gerbera, dahlia
- 🌼 Virgo - These flowers will bring luck: buttercup, aconite, St Johns wort, chrysanthemum, eucalyptus, violet, ivy, thistle flowers
- 🌼 Libra - These flowers will bring LUCK for this sign: bellflower, rose, orchid, gardenia, tea rose, tuberose, gladiolus
- 🌼 Scorpio - These flowers will bring LUCK to this zodiac sign: orchid, geranium, ginger, hibiscus, peony, cactus, all dark red flowers
- 🌼 Sagittarius - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: carnation, lily, crocus
- 🌼 Capricorn - These flowers will bring LUCK: tulip, violet, philodendron, snowdrop, jasmine flowers
- 🌼 Aquarius - These flowers will bring LUCK: orchid, lily, lily of the valley, aloe
- 🌼 Pisces - These flowers will bring LUCK: lily, violet, papyrus, lilac, narcissus, gypsophila