Check the cost of delivery in distant locations with our operators on the phone +(373) 60 68 00 88 or in the chat

We deliver goods all over the Moldova.
Delivery is free if it's in Chisinau and order amount exceed a 300 ley price. If order is up to 300 ley, the delivery will cost 50 ley. If shipping is beyond the Chisinau cost depends of the destination and should be discussed with our managers. Taking an order 24/24, 7 days a week.
We take order on the website at any time, 7 days a week. It's desirable to make an order in advance, in a day. We take phone orders between 8.00 to 21.00 Monday to Sunday. Taking orders in the office the same time framework as phone orders. We deliver 24 hours a day.
Delivery takes over 2 hours after payment within Chisinau. The shipping time can be longer. It's depending of the size of composition, if you ordered flowers. Shipping outside the city is realized over 12 hours after payment. When shipping is urgent, time is reduced.
We have two kinds of shipping - standard and VIP delivery. Standard shipping includes delivery your order, and courier is dressed usually, unremarkable. This shipping is free. VIP shipping includes delivery your order, BUT our courier is wearing a neat suit, white shirt, white gloves and bow tie and we give a pleasant surprise from the company. The price such delivery is from 300 lei.
You can use one of our services. For example SMS notification. After delivering, our courier will send you an SMS with confirmation. Another good service is a "photo of the recipient". We will take pictures of the recipient while shipping.
Yes, you can. We won't say your name if you wish.
Yes, absolutely fresh. We update our goods frequently abd therefore our flowers always look fresh, natural and beautiful.