Bouquet delivery 51 roses Magureanca
You are going to a birthday, a birthday party, a golden wedding, and a beautiful bouquet of roses has not yet been ordered? In this case, the flower shop CadouriOnline will help you, who are happy to provide the most wonderful version of a bouquet of flowers - a bouquet of 51 roses. This gift will tell about your friendship.
The original bouquet of flowers will be a memorable gift. Regardless of who give this bouquet of fresh roses to you - the perfect mood is guaranteed! The composition of 51 roses is required to present from the heart and with good thoughts. If you have selected a delightful bouquet of bright flowers for displaying sentiments to your loved ones, our company is always at your disposal.
To order a 51 rose with a Magureanca non-stop delivery at a great price - this makes us stand out among the competitors. Our affordable prices are in order for anyone to have a chance to make an unforgettable gift for a loved one.
Frequently asked questions
🚚 Delivery service rules
- 🚚 Do we deliver in other cities of RM? - We work throughout Republic of Moldova
- 🚚 How much does delivery cost in Chisinau? - For orders over 400 lei - the delivery throughout Chisinau is FREE. For a purchase of less than 400 MDL, the cost of delivery will be 100 lei. The cost of night delivery, in the interval from 00:00 to 04:00 will be 300 MDL. The price of early delivery, in the interlude from 05:00 to 09:00 will cost you 150 MDL. Delivery outside of town Chisinau, according to recipient address and is discussed by phone with our employees. Orders are accepted 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- 🚚 How fast is carried out the delivery? - The delivery is done within 3 hours after payment in the limits of city Chisinau. Delivery time may be longer depending on the complexity of the composition. Delivery outside Chisinau is done within 12 hours after order payment. In case of ordering express delivery, the time is reduced.
- 🚚 How is done the delivery? - We have several types of delivery. Standard and VIP delivery. Standard includes delivery by courier of your purchase in a usual, unremarkable appearance. This delivery ? is free. VIP delivery includes courier delivery of your purchase in a neat suit, white shirt, with white gloves and a bow tie and a pleasant surprise from the company. The price for such a delivery is from 300 MDL.
- 🚚 How do I now when the order was delivered? - You can use one of the services. For example SMS notification. Upon delivery, our courier will send you a SMS confirmation. Another no less remarkable service ? is the ?recipients photo?. We will take a photo of the recipient during the moment of obtaining the gift.
🚚 How much does delivery cost to other settlements of Moldova?
- 🚚 Chisinau - Truseni - Cost: 118 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Dumbrava - Cost delivery: 159 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Condrita - Promo Price: 146 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Ialoveni - Cost: 220 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Causeni - Cost: 646 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Ocnita - Promo Price: 1678 MDL
💐 How many flowers should there are be in a bouquet?
- 💘 5 - declaration of love
- 👨 11 - boundless admiration
- 💗 13 - given for a jubilee
- 💗 25 - ideal number for a declaration of love with proposal
- 💗 27 - demonstrate your love for your wife
🌻 ?op interesting facts about flowers
- 🌸 1 - White flowers do not exist ? in fact they are colorless, that is they dont have any colored pigments and simply reflect sun light. Black pigment in flower world also doesnt exist ? the color can be either dark red or deep purple.
- 🌸 2 - In Vishnuism flowers are widely used for sacrifices ? they are burned in fire for deliverance from ailment.
- 🌺 3 - In Australia, RISENTELLA ORCHID, does not bloom on the surface but underground. Its pollination is carried out by beetles.
- 🍀 4 - Jasmine is a relative of the olive tree, although outwardly they are completely different. But jasmine is always mistaken for a chubushnik with beautiful white flowers, exuding a delicate aroma, although these plants belong to different families.
- 🌻 5 - Academics proved, that flowers react differently to people.