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Bouquet of carnations with delivery in Lipcani
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A beautiful bouquet of carnations - is considered the best dear woman! In order to order beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers, do not go and look for flowers in flower shops, because there is a company CadouriOnline. With the help of this service you can order a bouquet delivery from carnations to Lipcani and get a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers from carnations at the most suitable time for you. How to make a purchase? Select a site from the carnations in Lipcani and click the button to order. When making a purchase on our website, the client should write contact information. In the event that you encountered difficulties while placing your order - contact our staff. Consultant of CadouriOnline company will relieve you of complications when placing an order and save you time. After ordering our specialist will create an incredible bouquet of carnations, which will melt the heart of any young lady. Then our employee in a flash of an eye will bring a bouquet of carnations to Lipcani at the requested address. At the request of the client, our company can notify your lady, or make an unexpected surprise. Your lady will be very pleased to receive a sudden surprise!
💲 Payment methods
- 💰 Webmoney, Yandex Money, Bitcoin, Paypal and many others
- 💸 Payment by credit card: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
- 💰 By money transfer, for example: Western Union, Unistream, Money Gram, Interexpress and etc...
- 💸 Cash payment
🚚 Price to flowers delivery and gifts in Moldova
- 🚚 Chisinau - Colonita - Cost: 124 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Bic - Price: 151 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Cheltuitori - Price: 105 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Comrat - Delivery cost: 757 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Bender - Delivery cost: 477 MDL
- 🚚 Chisinau - Singerei - Delivery cost: 821 MDL
♛ ?op popular flowers
- 🌸 Lilies ? 5th place in the rating ? Wonderful and charming lilies look really lavishly, so no surprise, that they are characterized by great popularity when creating bouquets
- 🌾 Narcissus ? 4th place in rating ? Narcissus are the sign of the awakening of nature and constantly enjoy fame when collecting bouquets of flowers
- 🌷 Tulip ? 3th place in rating ? Classically, are among the most popular flowers worldwide. And it is not surprising, they are beautiful and elegant, and a huge number of their varieties and a wealth of shades allows to choose the option that is ideal for each case
- 🌻 Gerbera ? 2nd place in rating ? This noble and vibrant flower is great for bouquets for both women and men.
- 🌹 Rose ? 1st place in rating ? The decision to give ROSE flowers will surely be a win-win option, even if you dont know exactly the recipients preference.
🌸 5 most interesting facts about flowers
- 🌸 1 - The most delicate flower in the world, has a diameter just about 1 millimeter. The greatest flower ? Arnold ? with a diameter of 92 centimeters it weighs about 13 kg.
- 🌷 2 - In Brahmanism flowers are widely applied for sacrifices ? they are burned in ritual fire for deliverance from ailment.
- 🌻 3 - In Australia, RISENTELLA ORCHID, does not bloom on the surface but underground. Pollination of this flower is carried out not by bees but beetles.
- 🌹 4 - Jasmine is a relative of the olive tree, although outwardly they are completely different. But jasmine is always mistaken for a chubushnik with beautiful white flowers, exuding a delicate aroma, although these plants belong to different families.
- 🌸 5 - There is a fascinating legend about the origin of the name of the flower ?Forget-me-not?, which is common to many languages of the world (for example, in Romanian this flower is called nu-ma-uita). According to legend, on one of the days of creation, God gave names to all flowers. One of them asked: ?Dont forget about me?, and the Creator replied: ?Well, this will be your name?.
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