How to purchase a flower arrangement with delivery Sicovat?
You have the opportunity 24/24 to order the delivery of the colors Sicovat on the website" CadouriOnline ", by phone + (373) 60-68-00-88 or in online chat. CadouriOnline always works, for this reason you have the opportunity to buy flowers at any time. Courier delivery of bouquets of flowers Sicovat is made in the period of 4-6 hours from the date of purchase.
🚚 We bring to your attention the TOP 10 most expensive flowers
- 🚚 Middlemist - this flower cannot be bought as there are only 2 copies left
- 🚚 Hydrangea - average cost around 6 dollars for one flower
- 🚚 Gloriosa - the cost for oane flower is 10 dollars
- 🚚 Rainbow roses - the price for one flower is about 10 $
- 🚚 Tulip ?Queen of Night? - the price of one flower reaches 20 $
- 🚚 Rose Pierre de Ronsard - one rose equals 20 dollars
- 🚚 Rose Sweet Juliet - the price of one flower is 30 $
- 🚚 Medinilla - the price for one flower can be from 50 to 150 $
- 🚚 Orchid ?The Gold of Kinabalu? - the cost of one flower reaches 5000 $
- 🚚 Shenzhen Nongke - and this is the leader, this flower blooms only once in 5 years, its cost is 202 000 dollars
🌷 🎁 The best selection of gifts and flowers for all occasions
💐 How many flowers should there are be in a bouquet?
- 💘 5 - confession of feelings
- 💗 9 - I am at your feet
- 💗 17 - given to a good friend
- 💗 21 - when you adore your girlfriend
- 💕 101 - for the most beloved
🌹 Did you know....?
- 🌼 1 - The most tiny flower on the planet, has a diameter only of 1 millimeter. The most huge flower ? Arnold ? with a diameter of 92 cm its weight is 11 kilograms.
- 🌷 2 - Bees can distinguish flowers with and without nectar thanks to their ability to see in ultraviolet light. Various spots, lines and patterns on the petals serve as landmarks.
- 🌹 3 - The oldest on earth ROSE for 1000 years has been decorating the German town of Hildesheim. Despite its advanced age the flower continues to bloom every year.
- 🌺 4 - Jasmine is a relative of the olive tree, although outwardly they are completely different. But jasmine is always mistaken for a chubushnik with beautiful white flowers, exuding a delicate aroma, although these plants belong to different families.
- 🌷 5 - There is an amazing legend about the origin of the name of the flower ?Forget-me-not?, which is common to many languages of the world (for example, in Romanian this flower is called nu-ma-uita). According to legend, on one of the days of creation, God gave names to all flowers. One of them asked: ?Dont forget about me?, and the Creator replied: ?Well, this will be your name?.