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Savings:79 mdl
Time left: 21:31:38
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Bouquet of fruit and flower in a pumpkin

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Delivery within 1 days
1178 mdl
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Full refund if you have not received the goods
Refund for non-compliance of description
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Savings: 79 mdl
Time left: 21:31:38
Total: 1099 mdl
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Discount 15% on the second order
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1099 mdl
Order in 1 click
Order on credit
* If you have any questions, call us + (373) 60 68 00 88
composition and size

A bouquet consists of:
- Flowers,
- Fruits,
- Decorative greens,
- Berries,
- Pumpkin.

Buyer Protection
Full refund if you have not received the goods
Refund for non-compliance of description
We accept payment
mastercard visa amex discover mir qiwi webmoney paypal wu2 bt2
The advantages of buying in
Delivery within 2 hours
Delivery within 2 hours
Freshness Guaranteed
Freshness Guaranteed
otherwise we will replace
Courier in a classic suit
Courier in a classic suit
Original postcard already included
Original postcard already included
We give a fertilizer to prolong the life of flowers.
We give a fertilizer to prolong the life of flowers.
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