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Warraranty of delivery by CadouriOnline

All of our gifts are backed by a 100% Smile Guarantee. If you're not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, we'll do everything we can to make it right. 
We guarantee you money return or to change the posy if you will send photo of the posy with its personal code, the number of your phone,  and description of your dissatisfaction hither – During the 4 hoursafter home deliverywe accept your claims. We will answer you during 30 minutes after receiving your email.

If you want to change the posy, we can't guarantee presence of this posy at that moment. It depends of the seasons and place, where you are. In this case our florist will try to make the same bunch of flowers with the same price and as excuse we will give you a lovely present from our company.

Our company guarantee you confidentiality and we won't use your personal information for other purposes

We guarantee timely and qualitative delivery within the time and place stipulated and agreed upon at customer request.Delivery time may not match previously stipulated time in case that doesn't depend of the courier (bad weather conditions or traffic jam, etc.)
Our main obligation is ensuring  acceptability status of the quality and integrity of the delivered goods.

The terms of the delivery service published on our site as public offer.
By placing and paying and order, you agree with the terms of the delivery.




Terms and conditions of flowers delivery services, published on our website, are a public offer.
*By placing and paying for your order, you agree to the terms of delivery.
We deliver flowers to all cities in Moldova, for example: