Did you know that the queen of autumn among the flowers are considered chrysanthemums? So, this is the first fact about these colors. According to florists, these flowers are an important component in the compilation of bouquets. Another couple of advantages we can call a variety of colors and their long resistance to various temperature indicators. We decided to pamper your beloved with such a bouquet, welcome to the online store CadouriOnline, where you will find a bouquet of chrysanthemums.
Questions and answers
🚚 ТOP most expensive flowers
- 🚚 Middlemist - not for sale, as there are only 2 copies
- 🚚 Hydrangea - average price around 6 dollars for one flower
- 🚚 Gloriosa - the price for oane flower is 10 dollars
- 🚚 Rainbow roses - the cost for one flower is about 10 $
- 🚚 Tulip «Queen of Night» - the price of one flower reaches 20 $
- 🚚 Rose Pierre de Ronsard - one rose equals 20 $
- 🚚 Rose Sweet Juliet - the cost of one flower is 30 dollars
- 🚚 Medinilla - the cost for one flower can be from 50 to 150 $
- 🚚 Orchid «The Gold of Kinabalu» - the cost of one flower reaches 5000 $
- 🚚 Shenzhen Nongke - and this is the leader, Shenzhen Nongke blooms only once in 5 years, its price is 202 000 $
🌷 🎁 The best selection of gifts and flowers for all occasions
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🌼 Horoscope and flowers
- 🌼 Aries - These flowers will bring LUCK for this sign: honeysuckle, cactus, red roses, poppy, tulip, red pepper, amaryllis, all red flowers
- 🌼 Taurus - These flowers will bring luck to this zodiac sign: rose, poppy, foxgloves, lavender, lilac, aster, lily of the valley, sweet peas, flowers of all fruit trees
- 🌼 Gemini - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: lavender, cherry flowers, buttercup, coriander, acacia, mimosa, narcissus, lily, cactus
- 🌼 Cancer - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: roses, chamomile, cornflower, fern, passionflower, hydrangea, iris
- 🌼 Leo - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: marigolds, sunflowers, gerbera, dahlia
- 🌼 Virgo - List of flowers that suit this zodiac sign: buttercup, aconite, St Johns wort, chrysanthemum, eucalyptus, violet, ivy, thistle flowers
- 🌼 Libra - These flowers will bring luck: bellflower, rose, orchid, gardenia, tea rose, tuberose, gladiolus
- 🌼 Scorpio - These flowers will bring LUCK: orchid, geranium, ginger, hibiscus, peony, cactus, all dark red flowers
- 🌼 Sagittarius - These flowers will bring LUCK for this sign: carnation, lily, crocus
- 🌼 Capricorn - These flowers will bring LUCK for this sign: tulip, violet, philodendron, snowdrop, jasmine flowers
- 🌼 Aquarius - These flowers will bring LUCK: orchid, lily, lily of the valley, aloe
- 🌼 Pisces - These flowers will bring LUCK: lily, violet, papyrus, lilac, narcissus, gypsophila