СadouriOnline offers original gifts to boyfriend on birthday. Huge selection of the most interesting and exclusive gifts in his day is available in a large assortment. All you need is to make your choice. We will deliver your order to any address and will brighten up your day with unforgettable positive emotions.
🚚 Extremely expensive flowers in the world
- 🚚 Middlemist - not for sale, as there are only 2 copies
- 🚚 Hydrangea - average cost around 6 dollars for one flower
- 🚚 Gloriosa - the price for oane flower is 10 $
- 🚚 Rainbow roses - the cost for one flower is about 10 dollars
- 🚚 Tulip «Queen of Night» - the price of one flower reaches 20 dollars
- 🚚 Rose Pierre de Ronsard - one rose equals 20 dollars
- 🚚 Rose Sweet Juliet - the cost of one rose Sweet Juliet is 30 $
- 🚚 Medinilla - the price for one flower can be from 50 to 150 $
- 🚚 Orchid «The Gold of Kinabalu» - the cost of one flower reaches 5000 dollars
- 🚚 Shenzhen Nongke - and this is the leader, Shenzhen Nongke blooms once in 6 years, its cost is 202 000 dollars
🌷 🎁 How to choose a gift or flowers? Advice from our experts
🍀 Did you know....?
- 🌸 1 - Flowers close at dusk, to prevent cooling of their reproductive organs or damage by cold dew.
- 🍀 2 - Bees can distinguish flowers with and without nectar thanks to their ability to see in ultraviolet light. Various spots, lines and patterns on the petals serve as landmarks.
- 🌼 3 - In Australia, RISENTELLA ORCHID, does not bloom on the surface but underground. Pollination of the Risentella Orchid is carried out by beetles.
- 🌻 4 - Jasmine is a relative of the olive tree, although outwardly they are completely different. But jasmine is always mistaken for a chubushnik with beautiful white flowers, exuding a delicate aroma, although these plants belong to different families.
- 🌷 5 - The tallest flower on Earth blooms in Indonesia – it is called AMORPHOPHALLUS TITANUM and rises above the ground by about 2.5 meters. Its underground tuber weighs about 50 kilograms, and the thickness of the cutting is up to 4.5 meters. This flower looks like a piece of meat and emits an intoxicating smell of rotten eggs.