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We give a fertilizer to prolong the life of flowers.
We give a fertilizer to prolong the life of flowers.
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Buy gift baskets Visoca

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Savings: 51 mdl
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Set "Veil"
1799 mdl 1850 mdl
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Gift baskets-unusual presents for any hero of the holiday or birthday

Gift baskets in the case considered one of the most magnificent gifts. Gift set with individual filling predisposes to give colors to any festive table and solve the problem with the choice of what to present in a particular case. The basket as a gift with different gifts will be suitable and in that situation when, You were not defined in tastes of responsible of a festive event or the birthday man.

our online gift service recommends you to buy gift baskets Visoca with all sorts of design in a different range of prices. In the formation of gift baskets are used the ingredients that point to focus on specific flavors:

  • Vitamin baskets - vegetables, fruit and berries, baskets of honey, dried fruit and jams, etc.;
  • Sweets - sets-chocolate, chocolates and other sweet gifts;
  • Basket with alcohol - differ in the availability of wine, beer, spirits, champagne, liqueurs, etc.;
  • Tea and coffee sets with different decor;
  • Gift baskets for girls and women - differ in the presence of cosmetics, including flowers;
  • Gift baskets and sets with an interesting combination of products - with different meat, cheese and fish delicacies.

Designers and florists of our online store have significant experience in the manufacture of gift baskets. Do not doubt the freshness and quality. If you want to choose gifts for family, friends and colleagues, stop your choice on gift baskets. This is not only a wonderful, versatile, besides also a practical gift. Delivery of gift baskets in Chisinau and throughout Moldova 24/7. To purchase a gift basket Visoca you can at affordable rates with timely home delivery. By means of competently developed activity and favorable conditions, we in business are the best service in Moldova, both among our clients, and our suppliers.


🌻   Selections of bouquets of roses from CadouriOnline

🌷  🎁   How to choose flowers and gifts for this or that occasion?

🌷   Did you know....?

  •   🌹   1  -  The most petite flower in the world, has a diameter no more than 1 millimeter. The largest flower ? Arnold ? with a diameter of 93 centimeters it weighs about 13 kilograms.
  •   🌹   2  -  In Brahmanism flowers are widely used for sacrifices ? they are burned in fire for deliverance from ailment.
  •   🌹   3  -  The most aged on planet ROSE for 1000 years has been decorating the German town of Hildesheim. Despite its advanced age the flower continues to bloom every year.
  •   🌻   4  -  Jasmine is a relative of the olive tree, although outwardly they are completely different. But jasmine is always mistaken for a chubushnik with beautiful white flowers, exuding a delicate aroma, although these plants belong to different families.
  •   🍀   5  -  Academics establised, that flowers react differently to people.

The advantages of buying in

Delivery within 2 hours
Delivery within 2 hours
Freshness Guaranteed
Freshness Guaranteed
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Courier in a classic suit
Courier in a classic suit
Original postcard already included
Original postcard already included
We give a fertilizer to prolong the life of flowers.
We give a fertilizer to prolong the life of flowers.
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Recipient photo