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Elegant bouquets of roses

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Savings:136 mdl
bouquet 55 creamy roses
Bouquet 55 creamy roses
2999 mdl 3135 mdl
Savings:37 mdl
bouquet of 11 roses
Bouquet of 11 roses
799 mdl 836 mdl
Savings:593 mdl
bouquet of 201 roses
Bouquet of 201 roses
11266 mdl 11859 mdl
Savings:43 mdl
a bouquet of 41 roses
Bouquet of 41 roses
2499 mdl 2542 mdl
Savings:1478 mdl
a bouquet of 501 roses
Bouquet of 501 roses
28081 mdl 29559 mdl
Savings:175 mdl
a bouquet of 51 white roses
Bouquet of 51 white roses
3599 mdl 3774 mdl
Savings:386 mdl
a bouquet of 101 bush roses
Bouquet of 101 bush roses
8199 mdl 8585 mdl
Savings:270 mdl
bouquet of 101 pink roses
Bouquet of 101 pink roses
6699 mdl 6969 mdl
Savings:118 mdl
bouquet of 51 roses
Bouquet of 51 roses
3299 mdl 3417 mdl
Savings:81 mdl
bouquet of 15 roses
Bouquet of 15 roses
999 mdl 1080 mdl
Savings:141 mdl
bouquet of white roses in a cone
Bouquet of roses in a cone
999 mdl 1140 mdl
Savings:3 mdl
composition of roses Red in White
Bouquet red in white
1599 mdl 1602 mdl
Savings:141 mdl
red roses with pink ribbon
Red roses with pink ribbon
999 mdl 1140 mdl

Luxurious bouquets of roses - a gift that will not leave any lady indifferent!
In order to make a happy lady wonderful flowers, it is not necessary to go in search of flower markets, because for this we have. On the site CadouriOnline you can buy the most chic bouquet of roses with delivery in Chisinau and Moldova and get a stylish bouquet at any time of the day. How to use the site CadouriOnline? Choose in the catalog of goods on our website the most chic bouquet of roses and start making the purchase. When making a purchase on the site, the client needs to enter contact information. If you have any questions about the order, contact the consultant. Our staff will relieve you of unnecessary hassle and save you time. After ordering our florist will create a chic bouquet of roses that will melt the heart of any woman. Then our employee will promptly bring a chic bouquet of roses to the specified address. At the request of the client, the manager can notify your girlfriend, or make an unexpected surprise. Your woman will be damn nice to receive an unexpected surprise!

This is interesting

🚚   ТOP 10  -  most pricey and beautiful flowers in the world

  •   🚚   Middlemist  -  not for sale, as there are only 2 copies
  •   🚚   Hydrangea  -  average cost around 6 $ for one flower
  •   🚚   Gloriosa  -  the cost for oane flower is 10 $
  •   🚚   Rainbow roses  -  the cost for one flower is about 10 $
  •   🚚   Tulip «Queen of Night»  -  the cost of one flower reaches 20 $
  •   🚚   Rose Pierre de Ronsard  -  one rose equals 20 $
  •   🚚   Rose Sweet Juliet  -  the cost of one flower is 30 $
  •   🚚   Medinilla  -  the price for one flower can be from 50 to 150 dollars
  •   🚚   Orchid «The Gold of Kinabalu»  -  the price of one flower reaches 5000 $
  •   🚚   Shenzhen Nongke  -  and this is the leader, Shenzhen Nongke blooms once in 5 years, its cost is 202 000 dollars

🌷  🎁   How to choose a gift or flowers? Advice from our experts

🌼   How to choose a bouquet of flowers for a concrete occasion?

  •   🌻   For young girls is recommended to order bouquets of flowers in delicate shades, lush bouquets better be reserved for ladies of more mature age. Lilies, toulips, daisies – perfect choice for a gift for a young person.
  •   🌹   If you choose roses, it is worth paying attention to, what event the bouquet will be given. If this is a date, then it is worth choosing an elegant arrangement of 3-5 roses or to give to your woman a single scarlet rose. In case when roses are intended as an anniversary gift, a bouquet is ideal, collected of flowers, the number of which corresponds to birthday boy or girls age.
  •   🌼   Flower bouquets for formal events should be elegant. Bright bouquets at official events will seem, at least, ridiculous.
  •   🙌   As for wedding, then a bouquet for the newlyweds, surely must be bright and lush.
  •   🌺   Flower arrangements for adored artists can also radically differ between themselves. If flower arrangement is intended for stage master, then it should be decorated in classic style, but exotic flower compositions and bright bouquets best will be suitable for young artists.

🌼   Flower astrology

  •   🌼   Aries - List of flowers that suit this zodiac sign: honeysuckle, cactus, red roses, poppy, tulip, red pepper, amaryllis, all red flowers
  •   🌼   Taurus - List of flowers that suit this zodiac sign: rose, poppy, foxgloves, lavender, lilac, aster, lily of the valley, sweet peas, flowers of all fruit trees
  •   🌼   Gemini - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: lavender, cherry flowers, buttercup, coriander, acacia, mimosa, narcissus, lily, cactus
  •   🌼   Cancer - These flowers will bring LUCK: roses, chamomile, cornflower, fern, passionflower, hydrangea, iris
  •   🌼   Leo - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: marigolds, sunflowers, gerbera, dahlia
  •   🌼   Virgo - List of flowers that suit this zodiac sign: buttercup, aconite, St Johns wort, chrysanthemum, eucalyptus, violet, ivy, thistle flowers
  •   🌼   Libra - List of flowers that suit this zodiac sign: bellflower, rose, orchid, gardenia, tea rose, tuberose, gladiolus
  •   🌼   Scorpio - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: orchid, geranium, ginger, hibiscus, peony, cactus, all dark red flowers
  •   🌼   Sagittarius - These flowers are suitable for this zodiac sign: carnation, lily, crocus
  •   🌼   Capricorn - For this zodiac sign the following flowers will bring LUCK: tulip, violet, philodendron, snowdrop, jasmine flowers
  •   🌼   Aquarius - These flowers will bring luck to this zodiac sign: orchid, lily, lily of the valley, aloe
  •   🌼   Pisces - These flowers will bring LUCK: lily, violet, papyrus, lilac, narcissus, gypsophila

The advantages of buying in

Delivery within 2 hours
Delivery within 2 hours
Freshness Guaranteed
Freshness Guaranteed
otherwise we will replace
Courier in a classic suit
Courier in a classic suit
Original postcard already included
Original postcard already included
We give a fertilizer to prolong the life of flowers.
We give a fertilizer to prolong the life of flowers.
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